What Does Javascript Void0 Mean

What Does Javascript Void0 Mean. Is used as a placeholder url to indicate that an onclick event is tied to the link to do the actual action. The void operator evaluates the given expression and then returns undefined. Javascript void 0 means returning undefined (void) as a primitive value. the void operator in javascript is a common source of confusion because it is rarely taught, but has a couple of convenient uses. If javascript is blocked for some reason.

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Void (0) means return undefined as a primitive value. Javascript void 0 means returning undefined (void) as a primitive value. The javascript void operator evaluates the given expression and then returns a value of. What Does Javascript Void0 Mean Javascript void 0 means returning undefined (void) as a primitive value. what does javascript void (0) mean? Usually, when you want to add a link that has an onclick.


You might come across the term “javascript:void. This tutorial explains the most. what does javascript void (0) mean? Void (0) means return undefined as a primitive value. The javascript void operator evaluates the given expression and then returns a value of. in a programming language, void means return nothing. void (0) is a javascript expression that evaluates to undefined. What Does Javascript Void0 Mean.